FRS 002, Sec. 32--Freshman Seminar -- Spring 2019

Join the Maker Revolution

Instructor: Shirley Chiang, Department of Physics, 235 Physics/Geology

tel: 530-402-7113; FAX: 530-752-4717



Have you ever dreamed of building a robot? Or using a 3D printer to bring an idea to life? A manufacturing revolution through the "maker culture" of do-it-yourself technology has been taking place in the last few years. The ability to prototype small objects using a 3D printer and to use small, inexpensive computers allows makes it possible for everyone to design, build, and control small machines, such as a simple robot or a garden watering system. We will discuss the tools that make this possible and learn to use some of them. We will learn some simple electronics and computer programming in order to use an Arduino microcontroller to get input from sensors (switches, thermometers, etc.) and control output to devices (LEDs, motors, etc.). We will also learn how to design an object that can be fabricated on a 3D printer. Students will work together in groups on a final project that incorporates these devices.


Seminar goals:

Students will learn elementary dc and ac electronics and simple programming in C in order to connect simple circuits to the Arduino microcontroller. (No background in either circuits or programming will be assumed.) This will allow the Arduino to acquire input signals from analog sensors and to control analog outputs. They will also learn how the Arduino can be used to control a piezoelectric buzzer and make music. In addition, they will learn how to use electronic measurement tools like an oscilloscope and multimeter to measure waveforms and to debug their electronic circuits. They will also learn how to use computer-aided design (CAD) software to design an 3D object, slice it, and transmit code to a 3D printer to fabricate it.  Then they will discuss how to use these skills and work in groups to build final projects of their choice, given limitations in materials available in the laboratory. Examples of possible projects are a robot with wheels and sensors, a controllable lamp with varying colors, an alarm system, a temperature controller, a computer game, and a water irrigation system. 



Students will read about how to use the Arduino microcontroller and write small programs weekly before they come to class. These programs will involve exercises such as reading input from switches, turning LEDs on and off, and using analog to digital and digital to analog converters. In the first half of the course, they will work in pairs during class time to wire up simple circuits to the Arduino and then to test their programs on the hardware in the lab. They will also use free 3D design software to design an object and then build it on the 3D printer in the lab. Students will form groups of 3 to 4 people to work together on the design and construction of a final project. The concept of the final project must be discussed with the professor for assessment of feasibility that will depend on the availability of components in the lab or additional parts that can be purchased quickly and inexpensively to build the project. Students will work on the designs outside of class and work together to build the final projects during the class times in the last half of the course. At the final class, each group will present its project to the class and explain how they built it. Each student will be required to write a final report of about 5 double-spaced pages explaining the project and describing his/her role in designing and building it. The class will meet for 2 hours per week, and assignments are expected to take an additional  2 to 4 hours per week.



Students will be evaluated on their participation in the programming and circuit lab exercises (1/3), on the quality of the final group project and presentation (1/3), and on their final paper of approximately 5 double-spaced pages (1/3).


Projects Spring 2016

Projects Winter 2017

Projects Spring 2017

Projects Winter 2019

Websites with ideas for projects:

Interesting (and relevant) WWW Links

Professor Shirley Chiang